You Are NOW Entering the
Extreme Success Now 
Transformation Coaching Series

This Is Your Life!

What Are You Going To Do With It?
The Choice Is Yours..

I Suck At Being Normal!
How About You?

Your Six Months To Transformation.

First you will find this site is very different from normal coaching websites. 

Right here and right now I am going to tell you at the beginning of the page what you will NOT get with this Transformation in Progress Series and who it is for...smiling

You will NOT get a Certified Coach with Look Alike Packages and Look Alike Rules To Follow on Your Journey! That a fact and a Promise! I like to keep things simple. :)

I don't play the game of following other's viewpoints, judgments and conclusions and I most certainly will not tell you what is Right or Wrong because what is Right for You maybe not possibly be Right for someone else.

This is the Power of this Transformation Series.
I show You how to tap into Your Own Individual Power!
...and Not teaching You how to do it my way!

My way is for ME and which is why I don't follow so called guru's and coaches. I am divinely lead by spirit and so You shall be too!

AND I will guarantee You one thing that is a fact!
Spirit's way is always fun and delightful and there is always a surprise
somewhere in the mixture.

You will benefit from the 
Extreme Success Now Transformation Series:

If you:

  • Want to experience living in the NOW and let go of the past easily
  • Recognize and are looking for away to break out of all of the control in your life and BE you own True Self.
  • Are on your own Spiritual Journey and you desire to speed things up.
  • You suck at being normal.

This is the Let Go and Let God part.

Most people desire success, wealth, radiant health, happiness, joy and love and use "positive thinking" and "positive affirmations" to try to move themselves forward in life. This is an extremely slow process. Just look around you and See.

The Truth Is Letting Go of All Things Not Serving YOU is more Powerful than any motivational program you could even imagine...and much faster and easier too!

Let Go and Break Away from all of the groups telling you what to do.
Society, religion, media, news groups, parents, friends, family and even the government telling everyone they are middle class and poverty.

Sickness isn't Real folks but they sure want you to believe it is real. Take a look around in your life and See if anything I said resonates with You.

If so, welcome! Join me below and then keep reading...giggling



You are still here?
Well ease, joy and glory to you that you stopped by!  


Your 6 Month Transformation Includes:

Contact Me Here for questions on designing your own personal Total Makeover.
We are going to do amazing things together. You will be surprised at how fast this all works once you start working with me.

What make my program unique compared to all of the other coaching programs is I am a light worker, energy healer some even call me an Earth Angel. I take what looks like the impossible and turn them into "ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE"!


So they say there are universes and beyonds. There is one where I am rich and I am poor. Healthy and sick. Successful and failure and so on…

So when looking at the picture I made a conscious decision last year there must be a Universe of Magic and Miracles and I am a Wizard. And that is how my story began…

Choosing to Play in a field of Magic and Miracles also kept me out of a lot of the heavy density until finally that didn’t exist anymore. In this expansive field I choose to play, play, play and I do it with the heart of a child knowing that it is the energy that creates.

Thus became ~Feminine Magic~

I see and understand things that most are not aware of.

I use to contemplate seeing the car I was driving with a white circle protecting me, I see myself being around save cautious drivers and I was a safe cautious driver. I don’t have to say that anymore. It just is. Just recently a car was headed towards me to hit me head on and swerved just before he hit me. I know this Power is in full force. And the incident before that someone decided they would change lanes and was not aware I was there. I swear to this day he was close enough to have hit me on the side…once again…I know this Power.

We all are expanding and each at different levels. I was on a call the other day where a woman took her garbage out and saw four moons.

All Things Are Possible
And Wayne Dyer having what I call a spiritual surgery:

After he was diagnosed with leukemia, Dr. Wayne Dyer decided to have an unconventional surgery with healer John of God. The twist? John of God was in Brazil; Wayne was in Maui. Watch as he describes the surgery and how he felt immediately thereafter.
Wayne Dyer's Surgery From John of God

Kinda cool being a part of this change, this shift…giggle, giggle
You can find out more about me Here at Conscious Females.

Join me on this magical journey now...
Come Play, Play, Play on the Playground of Love and Light with me!
The Most Important Thing I Can Tell You Is YOU Are Probably Creating Your Life and Your Reality From Everyone Else's Energy, Viewpoints, Judgement's and Conclusions. 

I can clear all of those false beliefs, dense energy and and anything else holding you back. I can release that stuck feeling too...smiling...Pretty Cool Huh?
And I will break up any energy for You that "this won't work for You". This program works for everyone! How does it get any better than this? What else is possible?
You See You can do all of the thinking positive stuff you want and if your heart isn't in alignment, in agreement then it just won't work And quite possibly you have already discovered that. Your mind and your heart must be in alignment then it is s GO...giggling
What stops us is all of those feelings of not good enough, not deserving,not worthy, can't, won't, won't happen, impossible, guilt, shame, jealousy,sadness...and I could go on with the list but I won't. If you are here at this time You already know the things that come up for you.
You probably don't realize it but your physical world looks crazy but what is going on inside of you and out picturing in your physical world is CHANGE. And Change Is Good!

People are waking up more and more every day taking a look at their lives and saying things like "my life is half over and I haven't done anything I wanted to do" or "this is all there is?" or even "I don't want to do this anymore!"
What about traveling the world? Vacations? Nice cars? Beautiful homes? Loving relationships? I used to think I would have fun with my life what the heck happened?
This is where I fit in and I want You to take a look at My 6 Month Program that takes you through all of that and even more. It's a Total Makeover. I don't take you from point A to point, no, no...I take you from Point A to point Z! Guaranteed!
And the only thing You have to do is be present for our calls.

You must make that commitment to yourself.

You are worth it! I can See how beautiful and grand You are and it won't be long You Will See Your Magnificence too!

Contact me below and setup a 30 minute no cost or obligation Transformation Session with me. It's that simple. You really have nothing to lose and everything to gain! :)

Transformation in Progress

Amazing and Beautiful You!
In which we will take off those veils, disconnect all of those cords, uncover and allow you to See yourself again as You truly BE...Does that sound incredible? Well it is and I promise you all of this and so much more...smiling

We will remove all of the layers of stuff that do not belong to you even the energies that belong to other people. Annoying phone calls, people not supporting beautiful you -  we will remove all of that from your awareness where you never think of it again and also I will show you how to release things from your life...FOREVER! YEP, I can do that and so can You.
Timing => timing is everything. Sometimes it is hard to See what is really going on but let me assure You whatever has went on in your life so far there was a reason. You are an extremely valuable infinite being here on earth at this moment and this time.
I have the ability to See. And some of the old stuff has to go away in a person's life in order for the new to come in. It is clearing out a space. The old must go away for the new to come in. This is where You are at Right Now.

Most people don't realize this but losing a job, or a relationship or an opportunity isn't anything bad at all it is because the universe is trying to gift You with something much greater. And it is your job to ALLOW it all to happen to experience a more abundant life in ALL areas of your life...smiling...including loving and appreciating yourself.

And that is exactly where I fit in. To show you how to ALLOW and ACCEPT all of these beautiful gifts just waiting for you...smiling...and YOU MUST BE WILLING...
  • Loving relationships will be brought forth in your life in your personal and in business opportunities, job or career
  • New and deserving jobs and opportunities will appear
  • Self Love. Love Yourself. How beautiful this is to love yourself
  • How to give to yourself first ALWAYS and then allow that Love to overflow
  • Dissolve old habits that aren't serving You anymore
  • Stop Judgments especially on yourself. This is a biggie here and You will be surprised how many of those judgments actually belong to someone else and You just bought into their story
  • How to stop trying to please others and do things that please yourself
  • How to create your New Lifestyle using your own desires. Really, really do what it is You Love to do
  • Discover how to make your Life work for you instead of You working for your life
  • Why sometimes it is just a matter of timing and NOT procrastination at all
  • How to make choices from a loving and passionate place instead of fear driven
  • How to tap into infinite possibilities and allow them to be in your awareness
  • How to stay at a free, loving vibration all of the time

And a really cool part is HOW to stop beating yourself up. You have done nothing wrong and I will show you how that relates to you in your life and your lifestyle

I created the 6 Month Total Makeover program after my own experiences but you do not have to take 5 years to figure it all out as I did.

And most coaching and mentoring programs for a life changing experience are 12 months. The sweet, sweet glory here at Extreme Success Now is that I am a Lighworker! So instead of struggling for 12 months trying to "figure out" what is not working in your life You have Me who does all of that for you...I can See what is going on in your being...Awakening! Enlightenment or whatever you want to call it I am Yours for Six Months. And the delightful part is I do all of that with ease, joy and glory...

I am not into mediocre. Never have been nor never will be!

If it isn't incredibly amazing I just don't do it. 

So Now You can See how amazing my coaching program really is. Total Life Changing And Fun! Guaranteed! grinning...

In the Total Makeover you will receive:

  • 3 one-on-one calls or Skype with me each month.  These are extremely high vibrational calls.
  • Your own personalized profile designed just for you and your desires.
  • Unlimited email support. This is where you can ask me about anything going on in your life. I support You!
  • How Love harmonizes and adjusts all areas of your life and dissolves all negativity.
  • Follow up document after each call. You can review what we have put into action...and trust me on this one...we will set in motion a lot of really cool stuff coming your way...
  • Audio recording of our sessions so you can replay anytime.

Each session we will go through energy clearings to release and allow you to feel more lighter, more brilliant and experience a much higher vibration. Guaranteed! 

So if you feel that honoring yourself is a Total Makeover and Dedicating the next 6 Months to the beautiful being that You are then I invite you to join Me and let me Be your Guide.

We will devote this time only to the Amazing You that You truly BE...I invite you to Allow Me to assist You on this journey.

Your own Personally Designed Total Makeover Just For You...

I will be honored to do so.

In the 6 Month Total Makeover You will receive 2 extra Free sessions (a $2332.66 Value). So instead of 18 you will receive 20. These sessions are really cool to use at any given time during our journey to a new and beautiful lifestyle.

I can guarantee your entire life will change with these sessions. :)

I created the pricing at a big discount too because I wanted to make sure that those who are really committed to themselves do so with ease, joy and glory. (A Savings of over $1600) and the life changing experiences are priceless.

I know, I know "priceless" sounds like an American Express commercial but You cannot put a price on something as unique as expanding and breaking through to new levels of your life.  Having Fun and Really Enjoying Your Own Beautiful Expression Of You...

So if Now is the Time for You to move out of your old experience ( gracefully I might add) and move into a more rewarding and enjoyable life and lifestyle I will devote my time to beautiful You.

The choice is Yours! Is NOW Your Time?...grinning

The Extreme Success Now 6 Month Total Makeover is only $20,997. There are NO up-sells and nothing else to buy. I will provide you with life changing audios, strategies and techniques that will guide gently and easily through all of the areas in your life that You wish to expand and we will do so with FUN! I love having FUN!

Transformation in progress...

Email: for any questions You may have.

And if You wish to join ME the following 6 Months I will take you on a enlightening journey of awakening that beautiful Spirit within You. The "I AM" Presence. Your higher self, your divine uniqueness, the God You Truly Be...and this awakening process is so nourishing and so loving. This is what the Extreme Success Now program is all about.

After You go through the 6 Month Total Makeover You Will Be surprised at how many messages the universe is giving You that you were not able to See before and can Now.

And doesn't it sound Really Cool to be able to See the answers to all of your so called problems or even all of the steps to support and guide you to your desired vision?

Once again...I would love to be your guide on this. If You truly would love to Join Me in an Extreme Success Now journey and discover that beautiful spirit within, the I AM presence, A truly Amazing Awakening Process...I AM here for You. The 6 Month Extreme Success Now journey sells for $20,997 where I take you through different phases of awakening your true self. Who You Truly Be and Not Who People Think You Should Be...

Your discovery of the Real You!

Unsure if You can commit to a 6 month transformation series...ahh I understand. Once again, it could very well be timing. 

Join me in a shorter version at 3 months. You will still receive maximum benefits from releasing and freeing yourself from all outside entanglements which will allow you to be more of the true beautiful being that You truly be.
How cool is that? What else is possible?

So beautiful infinite being...What is it going to be?

Are you ready to play, play, play on the playground with me and swing higher than everyone else? :)  

Infinite Love and Gratitude ~Vivian~  

The Choice is All Yours...smiling...
Transformation In Progress with "Total Makeover and Discovering Your True Self".

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Now For Transformation In Progress
Transformation In Progress
There is only one of me so I do have limited seating...and I have been holding a spot just for You.

Love, Blessing and Light,
~Feminine Magic~


 Extreme Success Now Coaching Legal Forms, Contact E-Mail 22 Field St. Binghamton, NY